Stranger in Her Native Land

There are stories I would like to tell and there are stories I can never tell. The rest is recorded below. My life, which lies between truth and fiction, is written here. Things are changing.

Location: Chicago, IL, United States

Can I feed you? :)

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Simple Pleasures

Today I headed to Itaewon to pick up some books for my dad and myself. I headed to Abby's Book Nook which is on a backstreet not far from Jackie's(as in Jackie Chan). Abby's is a used bookstore on the second floor above a restaurant and has a little cafe area. It's a great place to get books, sit and have good decently priced coffee. As I was searching for books, Abby asked if anyone wanted coffee. How does one say no to free brewed coffee in Korea(good coffee is rare and expensive)? More over how does one say no to free pumpkin pie! After stuffing yourselves with turkey and stuffing on Thanksgiving, and wonder what new way you're going to use the left over turkey today you may marvel at my being so over joyed with a sliver of pumpkin pie. Consider this, the only thing that slightly Thanksgiving-y about my Thanksgiving was a mediocre can of black olives. So Abby made my Thanksgiving. Thank you Abby. Oh, goodness, I just realized how corny that is. But, really I am still so happy about it several hours later I am posting about it. I think this proves I'm easily amused. If only that was always true. I've already decided that when I move back it's going to be to a city and definately to a place where I know people. Suburbia is not for me, it drives me a little crazy. Well, thank goodness for pie. : )


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