Stranger in Her Native Land

There are stories I would like to tell and there are stories I can never tell. The rest is recorded below. My life, which lies between truth and fiction, is written here. Things are changing.

Location: Chicago, IL, United States

Can I feed you? :)

Friday, December 23, 2005


Last night when I couldn't get my brain to shut down, my thoughts turned towards home. Where is home? Do you know where home is? You may think it's a stupid or simple question. But these days it's not a simple as it used to be, not with divorce, people constantly moving and constantly changing relationships. So where is your home?

For our family, it tends not to be in a geographical location, but where we sleep, where we dream. I had a conversation with Jeremy shortly after I got here about home and family. Home for us isn't the old house, long sold off. Home is where we are. We aren't people who like strings, or complications, nor are we an overly emotional family(in general). Lee once said, "We weren't really a family anymore once." That hurt, but at the same time it had a grain of truth to it, I couldn't deny. Alot of things have happened in our family over the last few years. Some people don't really know eacho other, because they have changed or time has passed and they just weren't around for that change. Are we still a family? Yes. We are. We still love each other and would be there for each other. There is still a special bond there, forged by time and memories. At the same time, my family isn't just people related to me. My family is also my friends.

My friends mean alot to me. I don't know what I would do with out them. It may sound trite but I hope it doesn't sound insincere, because it's not. My friends, especially this last year, have been great. They've been there for me when I'm hurt and crying, when I need a friend to drive four hours to see Neil Gaiman, to hang out with me and having great conversations with, or when I need advice I won't listent to, or to tell me when I'm being stupid like only a friend can do, to forgive, to listen, to laugh with, to understand and care for this crazy girl. Thank you. It's one's choices that define a person, and thank you all for having the lack of judgement once in your lifetime in choosing to be my friend. ; )

What does this have to do with home? Well, home isn't where I dream anymore. It's not here in Korea.

Merry Christmas!
Happy New Years!
Happy Holidays!


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