Stranger in Her Native Land

There are stories I would like to tell and there are stories I can never tell. The rest is recorded below. My life, which lies between truth and fiction, is written here. Things are changing.

Location: Chicago, IL, United States

Can I feed you? :)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Yes, it's exactly what you think it is.

It’s been a bit of an odd day, or days. I’m not sure what is going on, we’ll see where it goes.

Right now I know, there are some days when waking up, getting a good beer, eating some curried fritters on a patio is the only way to start a day, especially when you’re sitting with a friend just shooting the shit. I also know, it’s not wise to bait me when it comes to inequality. I was correct in assuming the Korea screaming would eventually wake me up this morning(Korea vs. France 1-1). Only in Korea would a goal scored in Germany wake me up that early(5:30-ish). I went to the gym early because I needed to DHL a resume and cover letter during the break. I then picked out paper, swore at the spy and junk filled computers at work so I could print out the said cl and resume, did lesson prep, taught and headed down to City Hall(almost an hour by subway) to mail my cl and resume. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I got lucky I literally walked out of the subway and ran into a FedEx. I headed back for classes. I did a lesson on DaVinci which was fun. And checking things out I may have found a place in Chicago. I responded to their ad, but now I have to wait to see if they like me. It would be perfect if it worked out, as would the job. See, that’s the thing. It’s too perfect. I feel confidant in my cover letter and resume. I feel both the job and the apartment would work out perfectly for me and that is what has me worried. At the same time I feel slightly punchy, some thing is bothering me and I can figure it out. I don’t know. Am I getting paranoid because nothing is wrong, but things are going good? I hope not. I’m really excited about the job, I hope I get it. Maybe it’s just the waiting that’s bugging me and having to seek approval. I dislike rejection. So, sounds like the only thing odd is me. Sorry, I just kind of needed to sound off a bit. Things really are good. Ah, ah well.

: ) Oh, how do I know I’d like to have these people as my roommates they asked, pirate or ninga? They also asked about music, books and cheese.

Cross your fingers people and think warm thoughts.


Blogger Alison said...

Good luck!! Remember--this is the year, right?

Can I ask why the toilet kid is included in the post, or did I miss something?

7:44 PM  
Blogger PolskaMando said...

Because even toliet kids need love.
Actually, it just fit my mood.

6:45 PM  

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