Stranger in Her Native Land

There are stories I would like to tell and there are stories I can never tell. The rest is recorded below. My life, which lies between truth and fiction, is written here. Things are changing.

Location: Chicago, IL, United States

Can I feed you? :)

Friday, September 29, 2006

Apple Pie Goodness

Apple Pie Goodness
Originally uploaded by punk_rock_baby.
Sometimes you just need to kick yourself in the head. Sorry for the long wait for a post(I’ve got about a half dozen half finished ones), but I’ve been busy. I just came to realize that I’ve only been unemployed about a month and only in the States for a little over two weeks. In the last month I have been to Korea, Hong Kong, all over Thailand, Japan, Chicago, Kansas City and Ames(and a couple of other place in route to destinations). Right now I am currently freaking out about being unemployed(because I hate not having some thing to do and no income). But then wait, I’ve only been in the States for two weeks. Am I over reacting? Yes. Why am I over reacting? Because I don’t want to leave. The back up plan is moving back over seas. Here’s the thing, I don’t want to do that.

Here’s how I’m feeling. In some ways it feels like not a lot has changed since I left. Maybe that is what is elevating my freak out level is that coming back to Chicago every thing is the same. It’s like I never left and I left for a reason(or several) but on top of that I’m now also unemployed which is a step backward not forward. I’d like to move forward now. At the same time I’m really, really ready for something new.

I’m going to stop whining now. Okay, so the question is what is it I want? I want a job or jobs where I’m learning useful skills and I am able to make rent and such. Where? Major city please. That’s the short term goal. The slightly longer term goal is to have a place where I can feel at home. The last place wasn’t really homey more a like a place I slept. The runny joke was I only came home for apple juice. More over I want a place where I can cook and bake for people. A place where I can entertain or at least stuff my friends full of tasty and there for unhealthy food while we sit around talking and having a good time. I also would like to visit people, you know stay in touch with people. Yeah, that’s what I want. And eventually I’d like to be wrecking havoc in Italia and Prague.

So what am I doing to achieve these goals?

I’m looking for a job and I’m going to keep looking for one. I think I’m going to broaden where I’m looking for jobs, as in outside of Chicago, but not Ames(it’s a cult and they want me to join).

I bought homey things for when I get a home. I bought some beautiful pottery while I was in Korea, since right now everything I own could probably fit in the back of a mini van(actually I know it could). I’m also starting to brush up my cooking and baking skills. I made a pie the other day and was very happy with how it turned out. I was very happy making it too. I may bake tomorrow too just because I found a cool recipe(honey brownies). Now, I just need people to bake and cook for nearby.

Yes, and I need to make more friends. And especially more single friends. Nothing makes you feel older then when all of your friends are either in stable relationships or have great careers or having babies and/or buying homes. Dead envious, but that’s what I get for f*cking off to a foreign country for a year.

Oh, everyone hide. I got a learner’s permit. Now, I just need some one to teach me how to drive. This is the whole being able to keep in touch with people, being able to drive to see them. So, one day at a time. Kicking it as I go.


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