Stranger in Her Native Land

There are stories I would like to tell and there are stories I can never tell. The rest is recorded below. My life, which lies between truth and fiction, is written here. Things are changing.

Location: Chicago, IL, United States

Can I feed you? :)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


the first and last time
Originally uploaded by punk_rock_baby.
Hi Everyone,
This will probably be the last post I do from Korea unless I have time to do one more when I'm staying with Jasmine my last night in Korea. Tonight is my last night in Korea before I head off to Thailand. Things have been busy, which is why there are not as many posts as I would have liked. Maybe when I get back I'll get around to them during my days of unemployment.

I'm looking forward to Thailand. It's going to be interesting because most of it isn't set, which is nice. I'm looking forward to just figuring things out, going where I want to go and having fun. I'll try and check e-mail every couple of days. Hopefully, I'll get to do some on the road posting of pictures and blogs.

I'm looking forward to whatever happens next.

It's been a hard year. Like all years it's had it's good parts and it's crap parts. I'm happy for the friends and experiences I've had here, but it's time to go home for a bit. There are things I will miss, but overall I have learned alot. So, to new adventures and to going home(which should be another adventure). I hope people are doing good.
Take care!!!


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