Stranger in Her Native Land

There are stories I would like to tell and there are stories I can never tell. The rest is recorded below. My life, which lies between truth and fiction, is written here. Things are changing.

Location: Chicago, IL, United States

Can I feed you? :)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I'd like to feed you.

I love Chicago. I like New York, I like Seattle, but I love Chicago. If I decided where I should live based on where my friends live, Chicago would not be high on the list. Heck, Ames Iowa would actually beat it out. I moved to Chicago because I love Chicago. And I’m crazy. In addition I like challenges, while in other ways I also don’t like failing. You maybe wonder where I am going with all of this. I actually do have a point. How does failure and Chicago relate? Before I left Chicago for Korea, I failed to make new friends. I moved to Chicago with a group of friends and when they left I was pretty much alone in Chicago. During that year, I failed to make any new friends. My friends that were around the Midwest were awesome in trying and going out of their way to visit me when they could, for which I am very grateful. It still does not make up for the fact I failed.

One of the things I would like to work on this year is making new friends. This is not an easy task, especially for me. I’ve never really made friends easily for various reasons. Part of my failure is due to my trust issues(ever perennial), lack of confidence, self-consciousness, oddness, and being afraid(I can‘t quite claim shyness). All issues I need to work on except the oddness; I think that is incurable. I want to make Chicago my home, thus I want to make a home with friends. It sounds so easy but how do you find friends with like interests and such? It takes time and not coming off like a crazy person in part.

Part of my “blog”(a.k.a. rant/drivel) stems from a desire. I enjoy cooking for people. I like it when people eat my food. Lately this itch to cook has been growing. I want to cook for people. Here’s the crook, I don’t really have people to cook for because I still haven’t made any new friends. I have people at work I enjoy talking to at work but I am unsure about trying to make it just a more than work thing. So the question becomes who can I invite? Who should I invite? Should I even try? Yes. I should. So wish me luck.

Never mind, my dinner party just became my roomies boyfriend’s belated b-day party.


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