Stranger in Her Native Land

There are stories I would like to tell and there are stories I can never tell. The rest is recorded below. My life, which lies between truth and fiction, is written here. Things are changing.

Location: Chicago, IL, United States

Can I feed you? :)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Nones of March

Dinner at Dan's
Originally uploaded by punk_rock_baby.
Beware the Nones of March.
Not really. It’s just fun to title it the nones of March.
It’s better than another random bits.
So, March 7th.

Every morning I teach the KG’s kids. They were cute as kittens, with about the same attention span.
I felt like an activities director on a cruise, but with out the swimming pool(a swimming pool would be nice).

I went to the bank. The bank is interesting because it requires more stamps than one could imagine and there are no clearly defined lines. At least to me there are no lines. People take numbers but people ignore them all the time and just go up and start talking to the clerk(who is usually female). Men, especially older men, don’t tend to wait but just go up to a window. Most of the people waiting were older women. I think there is a line, but it’s a social line, or should I say social hierarchy. Old men, old women, middle aged men, middle aged women, etc. Maybe I’m being too general. But one of the most common questions I get from my students is “How old are you?” I never answer this, nor do I answer the “Do you have a boyfriend?” I love the little kids, because I tell them I’m a grandma. No concept of age. Oh, in Korea friends are girls or boys who are the same age as you. Also there are not a lot of girls who have guy friends(not boyfriends) or vice versa in Korea. It’s changing slowly. If the person is younger or older it becomes a “sister” or “brother”; which makes finding out how many sisters or brothers a kid has difficult. Confucius is still hanging on in Korea. Go Neo-Confucianism.

Other random bits, oh lately there have been a lot of food pictures. I was having dinner with a friend and some one said. “We’re so Korean. We’re taking pictures of food.” Which was really true. Koreans are picture crazy!!! And food plays a large role in Korean society. Food is not something one just eats. Eating out, just eating is a communal, social gathering. Some foreigners have commented on feeling weird about eating alone at Korean restaurants because they are the only one eating alone. I’ve gotten used to it for the most part, I take out my book and have done with it. I usually go to the same place so they have gotten used to me. Actually the girl recommended a new dish tonight, which was good.

Lately, I have been running into parents. The problem with running into parent is not being able to speak Korean to them. Although I feel even worse when someone asks me for help or directions and I can’t help them. I have that happen quiet a bit. I had one today ask, where I was from and then say, “You have a Korean face.” As, in you have a Korean face but you don’t speak Korean I'm confused. A nice man. I confuse people. Sorry. I confuse myself too. Oh, well. Some body need to be different. Koreans aren’t really into differences. But that is an entirely too long of a post(rant) for tonight.

I’m feeling nostalgic and silly, since I’m listening to the Pres. Of the United States. Peaches!! Need more music!! : )


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