Stranger in Her Native Land
There are stories I would like to tell and there are stories I can never tell. The rest is recorded below. My life, which lies between truth and fiction, is written here. Things are changing.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
King Kong
This is what I think of it.
Adrian Brody is sexy. Sexy for me isn't really based on physical appearance but more on personality. And I'm a sucker for heroics and writers. Oh, and men that actually act on their feelings even if it's some what tardly. Naomi Watts answers the question,"What did people do before GPS?" Peter Jackson reinterates that the tastest morsel in the animal kingdom is a size four, screaming blond. I don't know why? But, hmmm, large lizard or screaming, scrawny blond. And they go for the blond, which proves most of the animals were males. Have you ever read Neil Gaiman's story,"Wholesale"(I think that is what is called)? Well, same story goes for the T-rexs. Why have one when we can get them by bulk? Also, in Korea "kong" means "bean", thus King Bean. Bean is what you call the small shrimp of a kid(ref. Full Metal Alchemist), thus the title is ironic in Korea. Yes, Jack Black can play a cockroach. I liked the captian and the first mate. And, the movie closes with a heavy handed, trite line. "Beauty killed the Beast." Overall I enjoyed it, but I also wasn't expecting much.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Blame Canada.
Friday, February 17, 2006
I love music. Music has become my obsession of late. I didn’t really start buying music until last fall. I couldn’t afford music when I was growing up, or while I was in college. I would usually just listen to what was around. It wasn’t until I got back from Boston did I really begin to take an avid interest in music. Marty burned me a random mix cd, and it was off from there. I burn some stuff he had, but then I began to start exploring Reckless Records on weekends. God, I miss Reckless Records. I would wander in there on a saturday or sunday and flip through cds, narrowing it down to three cds to listen to and then belaboring which ones I should buy for the week. Alison helped, I copied quite a few cds from her while I was in New York, as well as imported some of my stuff on to her computer. Last year my cd player became a requirement on exiting my apartment. My bag usually was stuffed with my wallet, lip balm, cell phone, a notebook, pen, book, cd player, and cds. These days it’s wallet, lip balm, cell phone, notebook, pen, book, camera, and I-pod. I love my ipod. It’s great to have all my music at my finger tips. It’s all about music and cats(as my bro. Jeremy puts it). Now, instead of a few cds it’s 15 GB of music. And I’m always looking for more music.
I don’t really have a distinctive or selective taste in music. I have an eclectic mix of music. I don’t know anything about good or bad music, I just know what I like. I like what moves me. It needs to have momentum, energy, life. I saw the Kaiser Chiefs this summer and after I saw them in person, I went and bought their cd, “Employment.” Why? Because there was an undeniable passion, energy and joy in their performance and thus in their music I couldn’t deny. So, I’m happy they did so well this year. I love people with passion. I have a huge amount of respect for people who go after their dreams, who are passionate about living out their dreams, working for them. So it’s only natural I love music with passion, energy, momentum.
Yes, I'm babbling.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Post V-day.
I hope people are having a good Valentine's day.
Nothing to say.
Monday, February 13, 2006
If V-day wasn't nauseating enough
Well, I guess Happy Valentine's Day. Or, big bro. Happy Birthday.
Seriously, girls I hope you go out and treat yourself. Sorry, there are no witty cards this year. Koreans don't do funny cards, let alone cards saying,"Life is too short to dance with ugly men." or the such.
Happy V-day People.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
There is something wrong with my head . . .
I find . . . well alot of things funny that probably shouldn't be.
I like it that way, at least this way I'm amused.
I find that if you can't laugh at all the weird shit, fuck ups, and Irony pissing on what you call a life, well then you should roll over and stop using up all the oxygen.
Today was a good day, but kind of a fucked up day.
Aren't they always(statement, not a question).
Nothing is ever simple.
Waiting, it's definately the year of waiting.
I hate waiting. I like action, not inaction.
Oh, well. Que Sera Sera(Did I spell that right?).
Friday, February 10, 2006
Hope people are good.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
I love you Russ Feingold
Russ Feingold
-Washington Post
"We all also had our own initial reactions, and my first and most powerful emotion was a solemn resolve to stop these terrorists. And that remains my principal reaction to these events. But I also quickly realized that two cautions were necessary, and I raised them on the Senate floor the day after the attacks.
The first caution was that we must continue to respect our Constitution and protect our civil liberties in the wake of the attacks. As the chairman of the Constitution Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee, I recognize that this is a different world with different technologies, different issues, and different threats. Yet we must examine every item that is proposed in response to these events to be sure we are not rewarding these terrorists and weakening ourselves by giving up the cherished freedoms that they seek to destroy.
The second caution I issued was a warning against the mistreatment of Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, South Asians, or others in this country. Already, one day after the attacks, we were hearing news reports that misguided anger against people of these backgrounds had led to harassment, violence, and even death.
I suppose I was reacting instinctively to the unfolding events in the spirit of the Irish statesman John Philpot Curran, who said: "The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance." "
-From his speech Oct. 25th 2001.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
I need to get more political.
This may mean more political rants than personal ones, I'm sure you won't mind.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
What made me happy today:
One, that most of my kids are old enough to blow their own noses.
Except for the one who couldn't and sat with snot running down his nose.
Ah, teaching English and how to blow one's nose all in the same day.
Monday, February 06, 2006
"We rest; a dream has power to poison sleep.
We rise; one wand'ring thought pollutes the day.
We feel, conceive, or reason; laugh or weep,
Embrace fond woe, or cast our cares away;
It is the same; for, be it joy or sorrow,
The path of its departure still is free.
Man's yesterday may ne'er be like his morrow;
Nought may endure but mutability"
-Percy Bysshe Shelley
"I am thy creature, and I will be ever mild and docile to my natural lord and king, if thou wilt also perform thy part, the which thou owest me. Oh, Frankenstein, be not equitable to every other, and trample upon me alone, to whom thy justice, and even thy clemency and affection, is most due. Remember, that I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam; but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed. Every where I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded, I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous."
Just Looking
Hi Everyone,
I am not a sad, sad geek right now. I tend to have a lot of time to think about things, acutally way too much time to reflex on things. So, as a result of living in suburbia, you will occasionally get sad monkey posts. These post are mostly me getting things out of my system and trying to sort them out by writing about them. It's kind of like a more public version of a diary. So, my blogs are often to get some fresh perspective on old soggy issues.
Actually for the most part I'm having a good time. I'm getting out alot more. I've made friends. I like Korea for the most part, but still hate suburbia. Hopefully, when spring rolls around I'll have more interesting posts about Korea.
Also, I am very grateful for the many loving people who I do have in my life(and whom I don't know what I would do with out), and for their graciousness and patience in putting up with me. : ) Especially my mother. I don't know what I would do with out you guys.
I hope everyone is doing good. Take care.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Do I look like a geek to you?

Etymology: probably from English dialect geek, geck fool, from Low German geck, from Middle Low German
1 : a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake
2 : a person often of an intellectual bent who is disapproved of
As for the first definition of geek, I think that only applies to people who work at White Wolf Publishing(reference: Chinese snake liquor). While the second definition applies to a wider range of people and is more accurate. Geeks, know they are geeks, in fact most of them are proud of it. Most geeks are well aware of the stereotypes that have dogged them since high school. The thing is most geeks will play off of this stereotype. The other things is they really don’t give a flying fuck what people think of them. “Oh, the Heathers don’t like me. Hey, Winona steal any good clothes lately?” For the most part geeks relish living on the fringe of society. We like it out here. It’s quite a view. The other thing is we’re going to be who we are. And if that means wearing capes and spending night sitting around a table with a couple of friends, well that is what we are going to do. We maybe the kids that didn’t quite fit in during high school, but wait, haven’t you ever felt like you didn’t quite fit in? Hasn’t everyone? So why are some people geeks, and others not?
What makes a geek, a geek? What defines being a geek? Is it a love of D&D? Is it laughing at Penny Arcade? Is it watching the Matrix? Is it reading Batman? Am I a geek? Well, yeah. I’m not an uber-geek, I’ll be honest. I’m a hobby gamer(although I haven‘t gamed in ages), but I know about leveling up, I even played a mefit once, and Degenesis is one of the prettiest RPG’s I’ve ever seen. I can talk of hours about “The Lord of the Rings.” I’m a comic book junkie, who’s jonesing for ol’ Chicago Comics. I laugh my ass off at Penny Arcade. The thing about being a geek is it isn’t just about what you like. A lot of people like things like “The Lord of the Rings” or read comics; but would I call them a geek? Not really. Here’s a secret. Geeks are elitist. Not everyone can be a geek.
Geeks “a person often of an intellectual bent who is disapproved of”. By being disapproved of by mainstream culture frees geeks from societal norms. Because well, we’re not normal, we’re geeks and damn proud of it. But, we’re funny, anti-social, miscreants. Comedy is saying the wrong things that no one want to admit are perfectly true, and perfectly horrible. And how could you go wronger or blunter than a geek? Thus, most geeks have perfected sarcasm, razor wit, innuendo, self-deprecation, and one liners into an art form. The intellectual bent on a geek is killer, especially when combined with passion. Geeks are passionate people(never would have guessed it, would you?). Geeks passions are as varied as there are different types of geeks. With in the geek kingdom there are gamer geeks, comic geeks, sci-fi geeks, computer geeks, Tolkien geeks, Trekkies, Star Wars geeks, music geeks, movie geeks, ect. I’m not even going to touch the sub-categories of geeks. For me geeks are interesting people, who are intelligent, passionate individuals with great senses of humor who care more about what they believe in that what society tells them think and be. So hopefully you’re a geek. Yes, you. You just didn’t know it. But, it’s okay you can admit. Say, “I am a geek“. Doesn’t that feel better.
Let’s be honest it’s the nerds you have to watch out for.
Nerd: an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits.
I love being a geek. In fact, I love geeks. There is something beguiling about geeks. Let’s be honest, they’re like crack(as in both the hard drug and the Irish meaning of to have a good time). Once you get your first taste of geek you never go back(Sorry kids). And yes that does mean I have a love/hate relationship with myself. But, that’s okay, cause we kick ass.
Click on the title to see what started the rant. Thank goodness for people with a sense of humor.
*I’ll probably re-edit this later, when it isn’t midnight and I actually put some thought into it.
* This a picture from GenCon. so, yes, I am a geek.
*Definitions are from Webster’s On-line Dictionary.